Jani Leinonen


Figura de guix pintada i creu de fusta, 218 x 146 x 80 cm



2019. Sacred Goods exhibition, Haifa Museum of Art, Israel. 

In 2019, the Christian community in Haifa demanded the removal of this artwork from the city’s museum, considering it offensive. There had been violent clashes with police and a firebomb launched. The piece was finally removed at the artist’s request, who didn’t even know it was on display, because he supported the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.


Jani Leinonen (Hyvinkää, 1978) is a Finnish artist who questions the consumerist habits of capitalism with his work. With a very characteristic pop style, he uses commercial icons applied to art. He participated in the 43rd Biennale di Venezia.