Zoulikha Bouabdellah

Silence Rouge et Bleu

Installation with modified prayer rugs and stilettos, 300 × 560 cm (approx.)



2015. Femina ou la réappropriation des modèles, Pavillon Vendôme, Clichy.

In 2015, the artwork was shown in Clichy (France), in an exhibition of female artists of various origins. The town council informed Bouabdellah that the Fédération des associations musulmanes in Clichy feared possible violent reactions to the artwork. It was not long after the attack on Charlie Hebdo and the artist chose to remove it.


Zoulikha Bouabdellah (Moscow, 1977) is a Franco-Algerian visual artist who reflects on the role of women and cultural identity, bringing contradictions and stereotypes to the surface. She is a winner of the Meurice pour l’art contemporain award and the Villa Médicis hors les murs scholarship.